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- 3D MRI Angiography of the canine spine is... cool.
3D MRI Angiography of the canine spine is... cool.
VRU 63(6): 749-752
Fast three-dimensional contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography of the canine lumbar spinal cord vascular supply: A feasibility study
Koen Santifort, Martijn Beukers, Vicente Aige Gil, Jeanette Pijnenburg, Iris Van Soens, Paul Mandigers, Niklas Bergknut
Study: The study is an exploratory, prospective, descriptive study that aimed to assess the feasibility of fast three-dimensional (3D) contrast-enhanced (CE) magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for visualization of spinal vascular structures in the canine lumbar region.
Methods: Fourteen canine patients weighing > 5 kg were included. The lumbar arteries were consistently visualized (14/14;100%). Spinal arteries, radicular branches, great radicular artery (of Adamkiewicz), ventral spinal artery, and dorsal spinal arteries were not visualized (0/14;0%). The internal vertebral venous plexus was visualized in 11 of 14 (79%) dogs.
Results: Overall, the results of this study show that fast 3D CE-MRA of the lumbar region in dogs is feasible. However, the smaller arteries responsible for the spinal cord vascular supply were not visualized in this study.
Conclusion: The conclusion is that fast 3D CE-MRA of the lumbar region in dogs is a feasible technique. However, the smaller arteries responsible for the spinal cord vascular supply were not visualized with this technique.

Representative MRA images from two dogs. Images (A–E) are from a dog on which MRA studies were performed with protocol 1, (F–J) are from a dog on which MRA studies were performed with protocol 2 (see details of the protocols in Supporting Information 1). A,F, 3D MIP CE-MRA AP, B,G, 3D MIP CE-MRA AP- minus aorta, C,H, 3D MIP CE-MRA VP, D,I, 3D MIP CE-MRA VP- minus aorta, E,J, fusion T1 sagittal, MRA AP. Abbreviations: AP, arterial phase; CE, contrast-enhanced; MIP, maximum intensity projection; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; VP, venous phase
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