Can pulmonary artery to vein ratio predict pulmonary hypertension?

VRU 64(1): 18-27

Caudal pulmonary artery to vein ratio on radiography can predict pulmonary hypertension in dogs with mitral regurgitation

Study Objective: To identify a radiographic parameter to predict Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) in dogs with Mitral Regurgitation (MR).

Results: The CdPA/CdPV (ratio of the caudal pulmonary artery to the corresponding vein) was significantly higher in the presence of PH and was the only independent radiographic parameter that had a significant association with PH in dogs with MR.

Conclusion: In dogs with MR, PH can be predicted with high specificity when the caudal pulmonary artery is 1.1 times larger than the corresponding vein on radiographs.

Ventrodorsal radiographs of two dogs with severe mitral regurgitation without pulmonary edema. In dogs with no pulmonary hypertension (A), the caudal pulmonary artery (CdPA) is smaller than the accompanying caudal pulmonary vein (CdPV) (CdPA/CdPV = 0.837). In the dog with mild pulmonary hypertension (B), the CdPA is larger than the CdPV (CdPA/CdPV = 1.201). The image A was acquired with 3.0 mAs and 58 kVp and image B was acquired with 3.0 mAs and 56 kVp

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