EOTRH in German Icelandic Horses

JAVMA 2023

Melusine Tretow, Anna M. Hain, Astrid Bienert-Zeit

Background: Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (EOTRH) is a painful dental disease that affects horses, especially older ones. The etiology and risk factors of EOTRH are not well understood.

Study: The objective of this study was to compare anamnestic factors in EOTRH-affected and EOTRH-healthy horses to identify potential risk factors for developing EOTRH.

Methods: A total of 154 Icelandic horses, aged 15 years and older, were examined clinically and radiographically for EOTRH. An owner-completed questionnaire was used to collect anamnestic data. The study population was divided into EOTRH-affected, EOTRH-healthy, and suspicious groups based on the clinical and radiographic findings. The groups were compared for differences in the anamnestic factors using statistical tests.

Results: The diagnosis of EOTRH was made in 72.2% of horses. The risk of contracting the disease increased with the age of the horse and was higher for male animals. Place of birth also seemed to influence the development of EOTRH, while feeding, keeping, and dental treatments showed no significant effect.

Limitations: The study had some limitations, such as a small sample size, a possible selection bias, a lack of standardized radiographic technique, and a subjective scoring system for EOTRH.

Conclusions: The results highlight the high prevalence of EOTRH among the German Icelandic horse population and the need for raising awareness of this disease. Moreover, the results suggest some possible risk factors for EOTRH, such as age, sex, and place of birth, but further studies are needed to confirm these findings and explore other potential factors.

Flow chart of study population. Number of horses with and without Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (EOTRH) and its severity. The findings of 3 horses (P095, P143, and P147) had to be excluded due to lack of x-rays.

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