Have you ever seen an auricle herniate?

VRU 64(1): 28-35

The article investigates the right auricle aneurysm (RAA), a rare condition in dogs, using thoracic CT. It reviews 10,886 CT scans of dogs and finds 23 dogs with presumed RAA, with a prevalence of 0.21%. It describes three RAA phenotypes: diffuse saccular dilation, focal saccular dilation, and fusiform. It also reports that dogs with presumed RAA had lower body weight and more female dogs than the rest of the dogs. The article concludes that RAA is a low-prevalence condition that can be detected with CT, can be asymptomatic, and can have varying appearances. It suggests that female sex and low body weight are significantly associated with RAA.

Combination of two-dimensional (2D) multiplanar reformations (MPRs) (A, B, C) (WW 412; WL 109; Slice thickness 0.3 mm) and three-dimensional (3D) volume rendered (VR) (D) post-processing techniques used for the assessment of the RAA. A, Transverse; B, dorsal, C, sagittal, D, VR cranial view. * = RAA

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